Friday, April 11, 2008

Mandatory HPV Vaccines

In the article Only 25 Percent of Teenage Girls Has an STD C. Gear discusses HPV Vaccines . I’m glad to see this topic come up. This is one of those things I haven’t totally made my mind up on and so to take the time to give it more thought is certainly time well spent.

When I first heard about this vaccine I thought it was great. I still do. Though the research for this drug was more in response to cancer prevention than the STD aspect, anytime there is scientific advancement in eliminating diseases... well, who can say that’s a bad thing.

When the debate started over making the vaccination mandatory, I balked. I think somewhere in my possibly cracked mind mandatory=undemocratic. I understand the mandatory vaccinations that schools currently require. In contrast to the HPV vaccine, though, they protect against illnesses that are transmitted by casual contact. And while I wholeheartedly agree that teenagers are having sex and denying it is foolish, HPV isn’t something that a student walking around is going to spread to just anyone.

And yet, there is almost certainly no harm in giving this vaccine to girls and young women. While there has been no lifetime testing, 99% of me is sure it’s safe.

And so, I’m conflicted.

I guess my only hang-up is that while I think vaccination is probably a really, really good idea, a girl who was not vaccinated and has HPV isn’t exposing everyone she comes into contact with. When entering into a sexual relationship those individuals are choosing to take the risk of getting HPV along with all the other risks of sex. The guy who uses the water fountain after the kid with measles isn’t necessarily choosing to take any risk.

I agree with the commenter who brings up education. I think sex education should certainly be better – especially in regions where only abstinence is taught. I think on top of that though, there needs to be more public education about the disease and advantages of the vaccine. Something other than commercials for the drug.

So for now, while I’m still somewhat debating with myself on the subject, I think more education should be mandatory and then let the young women or their parents make the decision about the vaccine.

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